Station Manga HD, Read your favorite manga online and offline!
Station Manga HD is the best manga reader specially designed for iPad.
Station Manga HD is made by and for fans of manga and Japan!
• No ads
• No hidden in-app purchase
• Conceived and designed for the French market entirely in French, priority sites based in France, priority market: France!
• Ultra-fast unlimited Web Server: Add and Remove manga to and from your PC / Mac.
• Intuitive experience to manage your favorite content
• Online mode (read online) and offline (from your own library)
• Designed entirely by manga fans
• Regular updates
The application has an interface and an offline mode that makes all the difference: This mode allows you to import, export, manage your library of manga to or from Station Manga HD!
Using its online mode, you have access to thousands of mangas, discover new ones, direct access to the latest releases, etc.. You can also mark your favorite mangas, or those already read to resume playback from the last chapter.
In offline mode, you can play and manage your library, import your manga library to your PC or MAC, and then export it from your iPhone to your computer, mark your mangas as read or to read etc.
Station Manga HD is entirely in English, but also in French, Spanish, Brazilian, Italian, etc.. You can also choose the language in which you want to read your favorite manga.